Basic Information

What is gluten?
Gluten is the common name for the proteins in specific grains that are harmful to persons with celiac disease. These proteins are found in ALL forms of wheat (including durum, semolina, spelt, kamut, einkorn and faro) and related grains rye, barley and triticale and MUST be eliminated.

What is Celiac Disease?
Celiac Disease (CD) is a lifelong inherited autoimmune condition affecting children and adults. When people with CD eat foods that contain gluten, it creates an immune-mediated toxic reaction that causes damage to the small intestine and does not allow food to be properly absorbed. Even small amounts of gluten in foods can affect those with CD and cause health problems. Damage can occur to the small bowel even when there are no symptoms present.

What foods are gluten free?
  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Dairy
  • Meats
  • Corn, grits, polenta and cornmeal
  • Buckwheat, buckwheat cereal, kasha and buckwheat flour
  • Rice- white, brown, risotto, basmati, jasmine, sticky rice, rice cereal
  • Rice flour- white rice, sweet (glutinous) rice and brown rice flour
  • Quinoa, quinoa cereal flakes, and quinoa flour
  • Millet and millet flour
  • Sorghum flour
  • Amaranth and amaranth flour
  • Certified gluten-free oats and oatmeal  (well, for some people... not for me)
  • Coconut flour
  • Teff flour
  • Nut meals and flours- almond, chestnut, pecan, cashew
  • Chick pea, garbanzo, soy (soya) and bean flour
  • Tapioca (whole) and tapioca starch (manioc)
  • Potato starch (used in baking)
  • Potato flour (used sparingly as a thickener)
  • Sweet potato and yam flour
  • Arrowroot starch
  • Cornstarch
  • 100% corn tortillas and taco shells
  • Pre-made polenta rolls with a gluten-free label
  • Plain teff wraps made from 100% teff flour
  • Plain 100% brown rice tortilla wraps
  • Unflavored mochi
  • 100% Corn pasta
  • Quinoa and corn pasta
  • Soy pasta (if it states gluten-free)
  • Brown and white rice pasta, rice noodles, rice glass noodles
  • 100% buckwheat soba noodles (check label)
  • Rice paper, rice and tapioca rice paper wraps (check label)
  • 100% nut butters- almond, peanut, cashew, pecan
  • 100% seed butters- sesame tahini, sunflower and hemp seed butter

What foods are not gluten free?
  • Semolina
  • spelt
  • whole wheat pasta
  • cous cous
  • wheat
  • rye
  • barley
  • durum
  • einkorn
  • graham
  • semolina
  • bulgur wheat
  • farro
  • kamut
  • triticale
  • oats contain gluten due to cross contamination in processing
  • Malt vinegar
  • malt flavorings
  • barley malt
  • breadcrumbs
  • breaded coatings
  • flour dredging
  • bread and flat bread
  • croutons
  • bagels
  • croissants
  • flour tortillas
  • pizza crust
  • graham crackers
  • granola
  • cereal
  • wheat germ
  • wheat berries
  • cookie crumbs
  • pie crust
  • crackers
  • pretzels
  • toast
  • flour tortillas
  • pita bread

What might contain gluten? (aka ingredients to check carefully)
  • gravy
  • broth
  • bouillon
  • soy sauce
  • tamari
  • marinades
  • sauces
  • salad dressings
  • cured meats
  • sausage hot dogs
  • vegan hot dogs
  • sausages and burgers
  • self-basting poultry
  • flavored and herb cheeses
  • blue veined (bread mold based) cheeses
  • spice blends including curry powder
  • dry mustard
  • canned and prepared soups
  • tomato paste
  • sweeteners
  • confectioner's and brown sugar
  • beverages
  • flavored coffees
  • herbal teas (watch for barley)
  • roasted, flavored or spiced nuts
  • jerky
  • flavored yogurts and puddings
  • some chocolate and chocolate chips
  • cocoa and instant coffee mixes
  • flavored vinegars
  • some ice cream and frozen desserts