August 21, 2012

Grocery Store Tips

One of the hardest experiences I had when I first went gluten free was my first trip to the grocery store. From what I've heard, this is a hard experience for most people. Below is a list of a few tips that I've learned to have a successful trip to the grocery store (successful in this case means actually coming home with food, not accidentally bringing home gluten, not having a melt down in the store, and not spending $200 on a week of groceries unless you're feeding a large family).

-Stick to the outside of the store. Vegetables, meats, dairy, etc are all gluten free, healthier, and cheaper than the main aisle foods like cookies and cereals and pastas.

-If you are going to adventure into the middle of the store, have a plan of what you need and stick to it. Don't be tempted by your old favorite gluten-containing snack or treat. Also, try to shop the sales or use coupons to save on cake mixes, cereals, gluten free flours, etc.This is where the cost of eating gluten free really starts to add up.

-Plan your meals ahead of time. It's really hard to look at the grocery store and try to come up with plans when you are surrounded by gluten. I also inevitably forget a couple things, which requires me to repeat the entire experience over again. If I plan ahead, I also save a lot of money and I avoid the gluten free convenience foods that aren't super nutritious and don't actually fill me up.

-Take your detailed list exactly is gluten free and what is not with you to the store. Especially the first few times. You need to check your labels on every food, every time. Manufacturers change their ingredients all the time. This does get easier as time goes on, but it can be a really daunting task at first.

-Take a gluten free friend on your first outing, someone who knows how to shop, who knows what to buy/cook/eat, and who can guide you through the process. They will open your eyes to ideas you couldn't have figured out yourself, and they will give you some confidence for your future trips.

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